No data found Copy URL to share: Ideally suited for the billions of devices (e.g., microcontrollers, ASICs, FPGAs, and sensors) headed for the IoT, our quantum-resistant cryptographic constructions are smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient than today’s commercial solutions. SecureRF’s Walnut Digital Signature Algorithm (WalnutDSA) includes digital signing and an ultra-fast signature verification method. By utilizing SecureRF’s breakthrough Group Theoretic Cryptography methods, WalnutDSA, delivers significantly better performance over current commercial solutions like Elliptic Curve Cryptography’s Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). SecureRF methods scale linearly while legacy methods such as ECC scale in quadratic time, enabling our methods to deliver higher efficiency relative to other methods as security levels are increased. SecureRF's Ironwood Key Agreement Protocol (Ironwood KAP) is an ultra-fast, low-energy, Diffie-Hellman-like authentication protocol that establishes a shared secret between two parties. It delivers over 30 times more efficient performance than Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) by utilizing SecureRF’s breakthrough Group Theoretic Cryptography. As with all our methods, due to the linear characteristics of Ironwood, even greater efficiency over ECC is attained at higher security levels. For devices that will be in the field for more than five years, Ironwood is quantum-resistant to all known attacks. SecureRF's IoT Embedded Security Development Kit includes APIs to implement the Ironwood KAP as well as the company's Walnut Digital Signature Algorithm. Central America North America South America Africa Europe Middle East 8, 16-bit Ultra-low-power MCUs
SecureRF Corporation
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SecureRF allows the RL78 (and other low-resource Renesas MCUs used in edge devices) to connect to more powerful endpoints with maximum efficiency because SecureRF’s key agreement protocol is “computationally asymmetric”, enabling the computational load on the edge devices (like the RL78) to be minimized. This unique characteristic provides a significant cost savings (other solutions require a more powerful MCU or even a second processor to deliver a comparable level of security), superior speed and energy utilization at the edge. "Walnut Digital Signature Algorithm
Key Features:
Ironwood Key Agreement Protocol
Key Features
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